New to RBT

Visiting Ripley Baptist Temple

Visiting any church for the first time can be an intimidating experience.  We want to make it easy for you.

Your first visit to Ripley Baptist Temple will be exciting, friendly, and comfortable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, sound and helpful Bible teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and a place you can call home!


Here are answers to your questions and what to might expect on your first visit.

When are your services?

Our morning worship service is Sunday morning at 10:30 AM. The focus of the service revolves around sound Bible preaching and God  honoring music program that is sure to uplift and help you spiritually.


9:30 AM Sunday School for all ages
10:30 AM Morning Worship Services for All Ages, including Children’s Church
6:30 PM Evening Service


7:15 PM Awana (Children up to 6th grade)
7:15 Temple Teens (Grade 7-12)
7:30 Prayer and Bible Study

How do I get to Ripley Baptist Temple?

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Directions From Fairplain Exit

Exit off of I-77 North, turn right onto Route 21N. Come into Ripley, (approximately 4 miles) to the first stoplight. Turn right, then turn left at the stop sign onto Charleston Drive. Go to 3rd Avenue. The church is located on the right.

Directions From Ripley Exit

Exit off of I-77 South, turn left off exit ramp, then turn left onto Route 33 at the stoplight. Go through town to the 4th stoplight, turn right onto Route 21S. Go approximately one block, turn left onto Charleston Drive. Go to 3rd Avenue. The church is located on the left.

What can I expect on my first visit?

You will have no trouble finding a place to park in our convenient lot.  As you enter the church, one of our friendly greeters will meet you with a smile and a handshake.  They will direct you and your family to the right classes and services. They can also answer any other questions you may have.

The 10:30am morning worship service is a time of refreshing Bible preaching with choir and special music.  You will find a lively, welcoming, Christ-centered spirit in our service.  You and your family will fit right into our growing and diverse congregation.

We also have a Sunday School class tailored just for your age group and place in life.  From toddlers to the golden years, we have a class just for you.  You will not only find sound Bible teaching, but will also find warm fellowship and a place  to connect within a smaller group setting.

Where do I take my children?

Starting with our caring nursery, there is a class tailored with each child in mind. The nursery is provided for children three years old and under. You will find our nurseries to be clean, safe, caring and staffed by people who are well trained to work in this ministry.  Each mother will receive a pager in case the nursery needs to contact them.

For three year olds through sixth graders there are fun, friendly and educational Bible-centered classes. These classes are staffed with friendly and well-qualified teachers.(Two adults in each class.) Your child’s first visit to RBT will be an exciting time to remember.

What about my teens?

We have Sunday School classes for middle school and high school.  Each class is Christ-centered and tailored to meet the ever changing needs of today’s teenagers.  They will join you in the main morning worship service following their Sunday School classes.

How should I dress?

There is no dress code at Ripley Baptist Temple for visitors or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday Best”.  Our main goal is that you would feel welcome and at home on your visit RBT!

Who is Pastor Rick Perrine?

Pastor Rick Perrine has been the senior Pastor of Ripley Baptist Temple since 1999. He has been in the ministry full time since graduating from Bible college and being ordained in 1977.

Pastor Perrine has invested his life in people and families and has an obvious and genuine concern for everyone with which he comes in contact.   Those characteristics, coupled with his commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ has made him a true shepherd of the flock.

Am I Expected to Participate in the Offering?

We don’t invite you to Ripley Baptist Temple for your money. Our service is our gift to you and we count it a privilege to be able to minister to you. We hope you will find RBT to be a place you can find  . While you are welcome to participate in the offering, please don’t feel any obligation to participate as a guest.

Other questions?

If there’s something we missed on this list, just give us a call at 304.372.3413, or ask anyone when you arrive.

Whether you’re new to the Jackson County area and looking for a church home, or it’s been a long time since you’ve attended church, we hope your first visit to Ripley Baptist Temple will be unforgettable and the first of many!

We are here to serve you and your family, and we are looking forward to meeting you personally. We hope you’ll feel at home from the very first moment you step onto campus! You will be a blessing to us just by visiting with us, we hope to meet you this Sunday!